Success of the Open Doors Days in the monuments of Gandia during Holy Week and Easter
During the open-door events organized for Holy Week and Easter, more than 2,000 people visited the monuments of Gandia. According to Heritage Councillor, Alícia Izquierdo the city put all its archaeological resources at the service of the citizens and visitors, offering a rich and diverse cultural offer. Outstanding among the monuments, the Alquería de la Torre dels Pares has been the star of these days, surpassing all expectations with almost 1,400 visits in four days....
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Gandia hosts SICTED Forum and celebrates high hotel occupation
The director of Tourism, Balbina Sendra, announced that the city of Gandia will be the seat of the SICTED destination Forum, focused on tourist issues and quality of services. The event will take place on 10 and 11 April at the hotel RH Bayrén & SPA under the title 'A Step to Sustainability'. It will bring together technicians, politicians, service providers and companies of the Integral System of Spanish Tourist Quality in Destinations (SICTED). Sendra...
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Turespaña launches digital campaign to attract American tourists
During the month of March, the Institute of Tourism of Spain (Turespaña) presented the campaign "YOU DESERVE SPAIN" seeking to promote Spain as a holiday destination for spring-summer 2024. With a budget of 287,000 euros, the campaign, completely digital, focused on generating impact on potential tourists from major U.S. cities with direct flights to Spain. The advertising strategy, aligned with the 2021-2024 Strategic Marketing Plan, focused on digital videos highlighting different tourist products and motivations...
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More than 1,000 people enjoy their winter Stage in Gandia
Gandia becomes a privileged destination for about a thousand beach volleyball players from Europe and America, who choose the city to perform their winter stage, taking advantage of its exceptional climate and services. Led by Sunsation Beach and Volley Tours, this initiative takes more than 1,000 people to Gandia for seven to ten-day stays, combining sports practice with leisure, gastronomy and cultural activities in the city. Sports Councillor Jesús Naveiro highlights the presence of professional...
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Portuguese students choose Gandia to celebrate the end of the Bachelor’s degree
As is customary in recent years, around 6,000 Portuguese students choose Gandia Beach to celebrate the end of their bachelor’s degree in the capital of Safor. Nuno Mendes, Project Manager of Hype Travel, the company organizing the event, highlights that this event, one of the largest operatives of this type in the city, seeks to provide students with days of sun, beach, sports, leisure, gastronomy and culture, with a variety of organized activities. The initiative...
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