1. Publication of the Campus’s research on the Campus Science Blog, in three languages, and advertising on networks.
  2. Maintenance actions of the Comunica2 congress website and network advertising social.
  3. Conference “The life of a reporter investigating tech” on November 18, 2021, in the Comunica2.0 congress, carried out by ISABEL WOODFORD, nominated for the “tech journalist of 2021” in the UK. Reporter at Sifted, a subsidiary of the Financial Times.
  4. Lecture “The Design of the interior and the gastronomic experience”, December 2, 2021, Made by CARMEN BASELGA FUSTER.
  5. Flyers were created by Fco Javier Pastor Castillo, professor of graphic design at the campus, and member of the chair’s work team.
  6. Updating, maintenance and solutions to security problems of the website and social networks of the chair, content translation, 360 content generation, inclusion of adaptive streaming players.
  7. Internship in a company of the student Marc Oller Caballé, from November 15 to November 31 December 2021, to generate content and boost the website and social networks of the chair.
  8. A 5mm methacrylate sign has been placed on the door of the premises of the chair transparent printed on a 30x16cm mirror.
  9. API development for the O-City platform in order to improve the tourist experience and develop PPPs in tourism.
  10. Sigalat-Signes, E., Calvo-Palomares, R., Roig-Merino, B., & García-Adán, I. (2020). Transition towards a tourist innovation model: The smart tourism destination. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 5(2), 96-104. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jik.2019.06.002
  11. Sigalat-Signes, E, et al. (2020) The new territorial governance model in Valencian regions (Spain). In Territorial Public Policies and Regional Development. Aranzadi Thomson Reuters. p. 357-381
  12. Sigalat-Signes, E, et al. (2020) Transitioning towards a tourist innovation model: the smart tourism destination (STD). In SPACES AND SOCIETIES IN TRANSFORMATION. Aranzadi Thomson Reuters. p. 275-286