In the context of the “Tardor Literària”, the already usual Visitar Literarias return to the Ducal Palace of Gandía on November 11 and 12.

Being the “Tardor Literària” an excuse to pay tribute to the historical figures of the literary culture of our territory, and who have given name to our culture, guided visits will be made to the Ducal Palace of Gandia with the aim of intertwining the Palace and its inhabitants with the authors and authors of the 15th and 14th centuries mainly. There will be characters from literature like Ausiàs March or Isabel de Villena, who will be the protagonists of these intellectual visits.

Rosassa de l'estança del duc o capella neogòtica, palau ducal de Gandia

The Literary Visits, which will have the Valencian as the leading thread, will begin on November 11th at 1 p.m. and will repeat the same time for the following day November 12ve, the dates of which will be able to access the Palace by purchasing an entry previously on the website of the Palau Ducal, or in the ticket office directly if it has been booked from the following mobile phone or mail: 962871465 or

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