This afternoon there is an event to commemorate a quarter century of teaching in the Degree in Tourism at the EPSG with lectures and round tables with guest experts, for all those who are interested, completely free.
For 25 years now, the UPV has trained professionals in the tourism sector to plan and manage tourist destinations in a sustainable way, to manage and manage accommodation, catering and other tourist activities, as well as to design, communicate and market tourist travel.

The aim of the day organized by the degree of Tourism is to know the achievements and challenges of tourism studies: past, present and future, through several lectures in the Aula Magna of the campus of Gandia. To meet this goal, we have designed a schedule for the day in which there are activities such as:
- At 16:15h Presentation: 25 Years of Change in Tourism, with Antonio Bernabé, Director Fundació Vísit Valencia (2015-2023).
- At 16:45h Round table. Achievements and challenges of tourism studies: past, present and future, with Antonio Guevara, President of the Spanish Conference of Deans and Deans of Tourism of the University of Malaga
Before J. Alberto Conejero, Vicerector of Students and Entrepreneurship, closes the evening at 20:00h with a Wine of Honor, there will be a award for the best TFG/TFM at 19:15h and awards for the Degree in Tourism of the Campus of Gandia, at 19:45h.
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