Turisme Comunitat Valenciana promotes Gandia with 160,000€
Chair news English 2024

Turisme Comunitat Valenciana promotes Gandia with 160,000€

Turisme Comunitat Valenciana has allocated up to 160,000 euros to the City of Gandia to encourage various promotional and marketing actions. The agreement will allow the City of Gandia to promote local gastronomic culture through culinary demonstrations, publications in specialized media and participation in congresses and fairs. A prominent event was the International Fideuà Competition in Gandia, held on 5 June. In addition, it seeks to consolidate the cultural offer of Gandia with actions such...
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LOS40 Summer Live 2024 arrives in Gandia on July 24
Chair news English 2024

LOS40 Summer Live 2024 arrives in Gandia on July 24

The LOS40 Summer Live 2024 tour, an event that travels Spain with the most popular artists of the moment, will make a prominent stop in Gandia on July 24th. The concert will take place at the Moll dels Borja, Paseo del Puerto, and will feature performances by artists such as Vicco, Charlie USG, Marlon, David Otero, La Beba, Pol Granch, Soge Culebra, Hilario, Adexe & Nau, César AC, Mayo, Noan and Elio Leiros. In addition,...
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Spain exports the Intelligent Tourist Destination model to Ecuador
Chair news English 2024

Spain exports the Intelligent Tourist Destination model to Ecuador

The Ministry of Industry and Tourism, through the State Commercial Society for the Management of Innovation and Tourist Technologies (SEGITTUR), will bring its successful Intelligent Tourist Destination (DTI) model to Ecuador. The goal is to work with Quito, the capital and largest city in the country, to make it a smart tourist destination. Source: Destinaciones Turísticas Inteligentes Some of the expected benefits of applying the DTI methodology in Quito include: Improving the tourist experience: The...
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The Pirata Beach Fest will gather more than 100,000 people in Gandia
Chair news English 2024

The Pirata Beach Fest will gather more than 100,000 people in Gandia

This weekend, the sixth edition of the Pirata Beach Fest will be held in Gandia, an event that will attract more than 100,000 people from 10 to 13 July. Balbina Sendra, Director of Festival Policy, Culture and Tourism, and Duke Abengózar, promoter and director of the festival, presented the event, highlighting its positive impact on trade, hospitality and the local industry. Sendra praised the continuity of the festival, describing it as a brave bet and...
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Start of Restoration in the Chapel of the Assumption of Gandia
Chair news English 2024

Start of Restoration in the Chapel of the Assumption of Gandia

Restoration works of the Assumption Chapel of Gandia, a 16th-century building renovated in 1800 have officially begun. The project has a tender budget of 310,000 euros and recovery work is expected to last between 10 and 12 months, which would open the doors for the first visits in the summer of 2025. Initial works include the consolidation of arches and roofs, the removal of debris and the implementation of important security measures, as well as...
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