The Municipality of Valencia and the UPV will continue to promote the collaborative programme of digitization of tourism and cultural management through the O-CITY Territori Valencià Chair at the Campus of Gandia.
This programme, focused on the heritage of the municipalities of the province, was announced in a day at the Museu Valencià de la Il·lustració i la Modernitat (MuVIM) in Valencia, with the presence of the provincial deputy for Tourism, Pedro Cuesta, and the vice-rector of the UPV, María Dolores Salvador.
Pedro Cuesta highlighted the success of this interdisciplinary partnership between the Department and the UPV, which combines efforts in educational and scientific initiatives dedicated to tourism research and development. Cuesta stressed the importance of policies based on data analysis and tourism digitization to improve the competitiveness of the province’s destinations. The Department is promoting various programmes to make destinations more attractive and sustainable.
The O-CITY Territori Valencià Chair, created two years ago, seeks to discover and promote the natural and cultural heritage of the province of Valencia through the digital platform O- Among its actions are the training of UPV scholars, the creation of audiovisual promotional material and data integration protocols with companies in the smart tourism sector.
On the other hand, a web has been developed for the management and presence of content structured by districts, contributing to the development and transmission of cultural and sustainable values.

Source: Saforguia