The Grau of Gandia is preparing for two weekends full of activities to celebrate the festivities in honour of the Mare de Déu Blanqueta and the Virgin of the Carmen, which will take place from July 5 to 16.

The chairman of the District of the Grau, Miguel Ángel Picornell, has highlighted the variety of events and thanked the work of the local associations, especially the Fishermen’s Confraternity.

Programme of Activities

Friday, 5 July

Saturday, 6 July

Sunday, 7 July

Saturday 13 July

Sunday 14 July

Monday, 15 July

Tuesday, 16 July

The Madrinas of this edition, Myriam Cánovas and Nerea Beltrán, will be responsible for carrying the images during the seafaring procession. The Major Patron of the Cofradía de Pescadores del Grau, Domingo Ciurana, expressed his gratitude to the consistory and highlighted the importance of these festivities for the community.

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