Forum TurisTIC 2022 celebrates 10 years

This very special edition will have a different prism, it will be a reunion of the sector with the aim of thinking and reflecting on concepts, ideas, projects, technology and, obviously, innovation in tourism. For a decade, the TurisTIC Forum has compiled high-level national and international speakers, innovative projects from large corporations but also start-ups […]
¡Save the Date ITH Innovation Summit 2022!

ITH Innovation Summit is the benchmark event in the hotel field that will present the latest news on innovation and technology applied to the sector. Innovations in the tourism sector will be proposed at the meeting with the aim of recovering activity and being able to offer an insecure and indecisive client an environment of […]
Spain is the protagonist for this Holy Week by European travelers

Data on the most searched cities have been published this Easter on the accommodation offer platforms and Spain is the protagonist due to its warm destinations. There is also a clear trend in the length of their stay: trips of between two and six days represent the majority of searches and almost a quarter of […]
Spain sets a €720 millions inversion on tourist destinations in motion

They’ve agreed on a new extraordinary edition of the turistical sustainability on destination plan, through the Government followed by the autonomous communities, granting them €720 millions coming from european recovery funding. Enogastronomy is the relation between the human being and its alimentation, therefore, this kind of turistical projects will be empowered with the 7% of […]
TURESPAÑA and Netflix launch ‘Spain Travel Guide’, the guide to explore the Spain that appears on fiction

‘Spain Travel Guide’ is the name of the tourist guide that publishes, from the most famous series, a total of 17 autonomous communities together with the two autonomous cities. Its objective is to show the historical heritage, the cultural, environmental and literary wealth of Spain. Those experiences are reflected in many of the series on […]
Supra-municipal entities join the DTI model of the Valencian Community

The Tourism area of the Valencian Community has annunced that supra-municipal entities join the Smart Tourism Destination model, aiming the reorientation of the sector in this strategic framework and giving importance to their demographic, tourist and competence characteristics. There are 97 destinations in the DTI model of the Valencian Community, now the supra-municipal entities will […]
Spain: A paradise for sustainable tourism

For the last years a lot of entrepreneurial projects that take care of the environment and rural getaways have been launched, which have functioned as true lifesavers in an empty Spain, despite the fact that the coronavirus crisis has brought about a decrease in tourist activity. This trend not only continues, but also grows. The […]
Smart Cities conference at the campus of Gandia

Thursday, March 24, 2022, @instaUPV promotes a conference about Smart Cities at the campus of Gandia. The main topic is the 5G, followed by topics as relevant as startups, urban acoustics… We’ll wait you at the conference ‘Telecomunicaciones para la sociedad’. Post at @upvcampusgandia. ☑️ Available to everyone.👉 More information at:👉 Entries at:
The Smart Tourist Destinations network (DTI) celebrates its third anniversary.

The Network of Smart Tourist Destinations celebrates its third anniversary with a total of 483 members, of which 328 are tourist destinations that are committed to new technologies, digitization and pages of tourist promotions, among others. The Network, initially made up of 47 regular members, was created with the aim of promoting a new reference […]
An AI predicts the tourist demand at Easter

Easter will be celebrated this year from April 10 to April 17, and an artificial intelligence algorithm, RateGain, has predicted the demand rate of certain cities in Spain, with positive results. So much so that it shows a lasting upward trend even until mid-May. Within this set of tourist destinations, artificial intelligence did not take […]