Open the grant application deadline for the digitization of tourist destinations

From May 13 to the next month, Industry, Commercial and Tourism Ministry allocates €11 milions coming from Next Generation EU’s recovery funds in order to motivate the digitalization of spanish touristic destinations. This grant focus the digitalization of those out-of-date destinations, with the aim of improve the competitiveness. Furthermore, a specific item is reserved for […]
Spain sets a €720 millions inversion on tourist destinations in motion

They’ve agreed on a new extraordinary edition of the turistical sustainability on destination plan, through the Government followed by the autonomous communities, granting them €720 millions coming from european recovery funding. Enogastronomy is the relation between the human being and its alimentation, therefore, this kind of turistical projects will be empowered with the 7% of […]
Grants up to 100.000 euros for tourism companies in 2022

You can apply for the aid that Turisme Comunidad Valenciana grants to tourism companies, associations, federations or foundations until March 1 of this current year. This grant got updated with new terms such as: Marketing or competitiveness improvement projects can get a grant of up to 80%; Musical, sports and cultural events can receive a […]
The Smart Tourist Destination network gets fonds to its member digitalization.

The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism has launched an aid program endowed with 6 million euros aimed at promoting the digitization of destinations in the network of Smart Tourist Destinations (DTI), with the aim of providing them with the technological tools to improve the interaction with visitors and with the tourist fabric that provides […]