During the months of July and August, the Cajamar Cooperative Group and the Spanish Confederation of Hotels and Tourist Accommodations (CEHAT) conducted the report “Indicators of the Triple Sustainability of Spanish Hotels 2023”.

This study has addressed in particular the three axes of sustainability: environmental, economic and social and after an analysis of the results, the most relevant indices indicate that the sector is in transformation and works to be more sustainable in the rest of the areas.

Source: Thinktur

As for environmental sustainability, greenhouse gas emissions, there has been an intense reduction since 2012, of 35.8%, although the overall energy consumption has increased since 2015 by 11%, even though the intensity in its use has reduced per worker consumptions by 17.3%.

On the other hand, in the area of social sustainability, it has been observed that employment in hotels has increased by 31.2% this year, marking a record figure.

To conclude the study, with economic sustainability, the authors have argued a lack of information that has allowed them to “evaluate the effects induced by the temporary increase in the population (tourists and visitors) on general prices“.

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