The Valencian Provincial Council has launched the program ‘Connecta València: intelligent and sustainable tourist territory’, with an investment of nearly 5 million euros, to improve the competitiveness of tourist municipalities by creating a provincial wireless network for collecting visitor data. More than 200 municipalities have begun installing ‘Connecta València’, which includes 768 environmental sensors, 169 weather stations, 37 intelligent signs, 609 mobility sensors, 326 LoRA Gateways, and 25 information totems. In the Safor region, the totems have already been installed in nine municipalities.
The project aims to analyze the flow of tourists and their impact on the environment, by placing devices that will measure mobility and environmental quality. The Deputy of Modernization, Mentxu Balaguer, visited the municipalities of Potries and Bellreguard to jointly analyze the results of the installation.
This program marks an important turning point in the field of tourist data, as these will no longer exclusively belong to private telecommunications companies. Access to public data will be universal and transparent, promoting industry growth and entrepreneurship, as well as interoperability among different administrations and agents. ‘Connecta València’ is a pioneering initiative co-financed by with co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through Spain’s pluriregional operational program (POPE).