The City of Gandia has prepared an exciting schedule of activities to enjoy the May bridge on the beach, from 1 to 5 May. This initiative offers a variety of options for all tastes and ages, from yoga classes to fairs and wood games.

The schedule includes daily activities, starting on May 1st with yoga classes in the morning and a fair in the afternoon. On 4 May, in commemoration of the International Dance Day, there will be GAP classes in the morning and a ballet and dance show in the afternoon in the Ducal Zone.

In addition, every day at 5 p.m., an exhibition of “Comets in the Sea” will be held in the Albatros area, as long as the weather conditions allow. This initiative offers an excellent opportunity to enjoy the outdoor and culture during the May Bridge in Gandia.

Source: Som Safor

On the other hand, the Roís de Corella neighborhood also adds to the fun with the project “Divendres al Roís”, which will offer activities to dynamize and decentralize the leisure offer in the city. Every Friday in May, there will be activities and concerts to enjoy in this neighborhood, thus promoting cohabitation and the knowledge of new places to dine.

The chairman of the Roís de Corella District Board, Esther Sapena, explained that this initiative seeks to encourage consumption in local shops and restaurants, thereby contributing to the dynamism of the district’s economy.

Source: Som Safor

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