This fair will be held from November 30th to December 3rd, both at the Serrano Theatre and at the Marxuqera Social Centre.

The city of Gandia is preparing to host the II Mostra de Cinema de Muntanya del País Valencià (MONEM) and the II Fira de Muntanya de la Safor, events organized by the Gandia City Council in collaboration with the Centre Excursionista de Gandia, through the area of Medi Ambient, Sostenibilitat i Emergència Climática.

The II Fira de Muntanya seeks to go beyond the sporting aspect and promote the mountain from landscape, cultural and environmental perspectives.

The scheduled planned for the event is as follows:

November 30th and December 1st – Teatre Serrano: II Mostra de Cinema de Muntanya

1 to 3 December – Centre Social de Marxuquera: Diversity of Activities

You can now consult the schedule at this link.

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