The Network of Smart Tourist Destinations already has 543 members
English 2022 General purpose

The Network of Smart Tourist Destinations already has 543 members

The past june 10, the Plenary Commission of the DTI network has approved the incorporation of 24 new members, thus adding a total of 543 members. Along with these new additions are the 3 international observers, including Tequila (Mexico), Medellín and Bogotá (Colombia). Due to the DTI network has gone from having only 57 members in 2019 to the current numbers, the quantity of members of the Executive Commission also has increased from 9 to...
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UNWTO inaugurates the Digital Futures Program for SMEs
English 2022 General purpose

UNWTO inaugurates the Digital Futures Program for SMEs

This program targets small and medium-sized businesses, which constitute up to 80% of all tourism businesses. It will help them recover from the repercussions of the pandemic and will boost the sector with the possibilities of innovation and new technologies. The program will serve as a diagnostic tool for digital readiness, with a series of references for SMEs: connectivity, business growth, e-commerce, big data, analytics, and payments and security. (more…)
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“Photography and sculptural heritage of the UPV” exhibition
English 2022 General purpose

“Photography and sculptural heritage of the UPV” exhibition

Twenty-five student's works from the UPV will be on display from June, 2 to July, 3 in the "sala Carròs i Centelles" of the "Palau Ducal", within their opening time. Furthermore, the inauguration day, you will be able to join in a photography workshop from 16h to 19h, with the objective of use the photografy as a tool for document and preserver the cultural heritage. The registration is free and open to the public. Prepare...
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Tourists of UK, France and Germany ahead the tourism on Spain.
English 2022 General purpose

Tourists of UK, France and Germany ahead the tourism on Spain.

The INE has published the past month information about the tourists who travel to Spain, using the location data of their mobile phone. The number of tourists travelling to Spain in April increase by 191.2% compared to 2021. The number of overnight stays have been increased also by 172.2%, and their travels last an average of 8.5 days, reducing by 6.6% the estimated a year ago. Somo_Photography | Pixabay (more…)
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The metaverse will be part of the tourist experience in the inspiration phase
English 2022 General purpose

The metaverse will be part of the tourist experience in the inspiration phase

Tourist destinations can use the innovative improvements provided by the metaverse, both to inspire travelers and to position destinations for a new tourist profile, according to the experts of the webinar organized by SEGITTUR. The metaverse will never replace a real tourism experience, but it will be an instrument to improve the positioning of the destination, promotion... Such as the help that current social networks are providing. We have an example from Benidorm with its...
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