Don’t miss the discounts on footwear and accessories

Between 22nd and 23rd September, continuing with the Mercat Fair, the Outlet of footwear and accessories will be held, located in the premises of the Prado Municipal Mercat. Up to fourteen exhibitors will be gathered, which will fill the demand of all audiences, old and young. The hours of both Friday and Saturday will start […]
Fira i Festes de Gandía 2023 returns on day 22 with more and better activities

The mayor of Gandia repeats last year’sdecision to advance the start of its Fira i Festes providing a total of 8 days of festivities in which all kinds of activities will be chained for the Gandians and visitors who approach the streets of the capital of the Safor. Mayor José Manuel Prieto, along with Culture […]
The fourth edition of the Mercat Fair begins in Gandia

During today, September 8th, and tomorrow, Saturday September 9th, the Extra-School Fair will be held in the premises of the Prado of Gandia, which is expected to bring about 3000 visitors. Both days will have the same time, which will be from 11:00h to 14:00h and from 18:00h to 21:00h. At this fair we will […]