Turisme Comunitat Valenciana calls for grants for the Imserso

The amount amounts to 5.63 euros per day and occupied room and can never exceed 2.000.000€ per person or entity. The Consell has approved the decree establishing the regulatory bases and call for the granting of direct aid addressed to the companies and persons holding hotel establishments of the Valencian Community, who have participated in […]

Gandia lands on the English market at the World Travel Market in London

The city of Gandia will participate in the London World Travel Market, the largest trade fair in the tourism sector on a global scale, which will be held from the 6th to the 8th November 2023 In this year’s edition the capital of the Safor will have its own stand under the umbrella of “Valencia […]

Cultural visits to the Ducal Palace of Gandia

In the context of the “Tardor Literària”, the already usual Visitar Literarias return to the Ducal Palace of Gandía on November 11 and 12. Being the “Tardor Literària” an excuse to pay tribute to the historical figures of the literary culture of our territory, and who have given name to our culture, guided visits will […]

“Demolab: the shop of the future” arrives in Gandia

Gandía again plays for digitalization in economic activity The municipality of Gandia, together with Urbalab, have organized an event of several days, beginning on the 8th and ending on the 10th of November, coinciding with the “bootcamp” of Urballab, which is held in the capital of the Safor. Source: SomGandia The event will revolve around […]

More Sorolla in Gandia: three talks for November

The International Centre of Gandia and the Department of Culture have organized three talks about the Valencian painter, in the year of the centenary of his death. To begin with the lectures, next Thursday 2nd November, at the Casa de Cultura Marqués de Quirós at 19:00h, the professor of Art History, Rafael Gil, will present […]

X Annual Thinktur Assembly

For the tenth consecutive year the Annual Assembly of the Tourism Technology Platform will be held in Madrid. The assembly will be held next Tuesday 12th December, in which representatives of the tourism industry, entrepreneurs and startups, sectoral agents and technical public-private entities will participate, both in talks and in “networking” breaks. Source: Thinktur The […]

Day of accessible tourism on the beach of Gandia

Yesterday, Tuesday 24th October, was held at the Bayren hotel on the beach of Gandia, the Tur4All day on accesible tourism. The event has been organized by Impulsa Igualdad, the former State Representative Platform of Persons with Physical and Organic Disabilities (PREDIF), and Turisme Comunitat Valenciana with the collaboration of the Tourism department of Gandía. […]

The Pirata Halloween festival returns to Gandia

The third edition of the Pirate Halloween will be held on October 28th with a total of seven bands promising a shocking night in the Benieto polygon. For the third consecutive year Gandia will be the host city of the music festival on Halloween Day, a festival that has seen its celebration grow with the […]

CEHAT and Cajamar issue a report on hotel sustainability

During the months of July and August, the Cajamar Cooperative Group and the Spanish Confederation of Hotels and Tourist Accommodations (CEHAT) conducted the report “Indicators of the Triple Sustainability of Spanish Hotels 2023”. This study has addressed in particular the three axes of sustainability: environmental, economic and social and after an analysis of the results, […]

The blue ocean of tourism in Camara Valencia

The event will take place next Thursday 19th September at the Business School Chamber Valencia Avd. Benjamin Franklin, 8, Paterna at 2 p.m. The day will be oriented to training in various components of the tourism sector, such as hospitality, catering, tourism dynamization and gastro-tourism, with the aim of consolidating a tourist brand. Source: Cámara […]