The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism has announced the call for aid for the Improvement of Competitiveness and Revitalization of Historical Heritage for Tourist Use in Spain. With a budget of 208.5 million euros, the autonomous communities, municipalities and local entities have one month to present their projects at the electronic headquarters of the Ministry. The purpose of these grants is to improve the competitiveness of tourist destinations and promote tourism through the protection, maintenance or rehabilitation of Assets of Cultural Interest.

The initiative is divided into two lines: the first is aimed at autonomous communities and has a budget of 69.5 million euros, while the second is aimed at local entities and has a pre-allocation of 139 million euros. Each project presented must entail a minimum investment of 750,000 euros and may not exceed 3 million euros. The aid will be awarded in competitive competition and the eligible actions include conservation and maintenance, improvement of accessibility, energy efficiency, installation of smart technologies, reuse and improvement of waste or ecological rehabilitation.

The basic conditions for the granting of the subsidy are that the heritage object of rehabilitation is an Asset of Cultural Interest or an equivalent protection category, that it is owned by the requesting administration and that it is intended for tourist use for at least ten years without economic activity. The deadline for submitting applications began 13th of April and will end on May 12, and applicants must submit their proposals to the Ministry’s electronic headquarters or the Ministry’s Aid Portal.

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