On May 25, the Moll dels Borja de Gandia will host the Gala Mr. Gay Comunidad Valenciana 2024, presented by Carmen Alcayde and Omar Suárez.
The event will begin at 20:00 hours with a pre-party and the gala will start at 22:00 hours, with the special presence of Javier Yeste, winner of Mr. Gay Spain 2023, and Adrián Alonso, Mr. Gay Comunidad Valenciana 2023, who will deliver the band to the new representative. The gala will be adorned with performances by national artists such as Jorge González, Rosser, DJ Flote and Borja Sant, in addition to the participation of the local artist Kler.
This year, the gala will have a top-level jury composed of television and fashion figures such as Albert Infante, José Perea, Miguel Frigenti and Germán González. The director of Tourism, Balbina Sendra, has highlighted the importance of the event to position Gandia as an inclusive and welcoming destination.
The festival directors, Juan Martín Boll and Nano García, have highlighted that Gandia brings together all the features necessary to raise the gala and promote equality, while the governor of Equality and Diversity, Maribel Codina, has invited everyone to participate in the parallel activities organized around the event.
In addition to being a celebration, the gala will serve as a platform to highlight the social commitment of the candidates, who represent various campaigns and causes of the LGTBIQ+ collective. Each participant will share their story of struggle and overcoming, inspiring those present with their courage and determination to equality and acceptance. The evening will culminate with the YAG PARTY party and other shows that promise an unforgettable evening for all attendees.

Source: Gent de la Safor