A new edition of the Palaudiovisual will take place at the Palau Ducal between 3 July and 28 August, with projections at 22 hours in the original subtitled version.

The titles include “Kompromat: the Russian dossier” (July 3rd), “The Eternal Daughter” (10 July), “Forgotten” (September 17th), “Medusa Deluxe” (2 July 24), “Luxemburg, Luxembourg” (3 July 31st), “Shoot the Pianist” (August 7th) “The Worst” (14 August), “Puan” (21 August) and “The Glass Box” (28 de agosto). Tickets, 3€ for chair and 5€ for hammer, will be available from July 1st on instanticket.es and in the Palau Ducal 30 minutes before each session.

Balbina Sendra, responsible for Culture, recalled that the initiative began in 2015 to move the programming of the Serrano Theatre to the emblematic Palau, offering a unique outdoor movie experience.

The director of the Palau Ducal, Estela Pellicer, thanked the department of Culture for this choice, emphasizing that it enriches the offer of activities of Palau and allows you to enjoy quality cinema in VOSE. Joan Fuster highlighted the freshness of the programming, ideal for summer nights, and stressed that the film “Luxemburg, Luxembourg” is a unique opportunity, having been screened only once in Valencia.

Source: Gent de la Safor

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