Turisme Comunitat Valenciana has allocated up to 160,000 euros to the City of Gandia to encourage various promotional and marketing actions.

The agreement will allow the City of Gandia to promote local gastronomic culture through culinary demonstrations, publications in specialized media and participation in congresses and fairs. A prominent event was the International Fideuà Competition in Gandia, held on 5 June.

In addition, it seeks to consolidate the cultural offer of Gandia with actions such as the Falla Borgiana, which will be planted in early October, and the event ‘Una mar de músiques i tradicions’ during July and August. Guided visits to the municipal heritage resources will also be scheduled.

Source: Saforguia

The convention includes actions to boost active and sporting tourism, promoting events such as the 10K in June, the Mid Marathon in November, the ICAN in October, and the Port Travesia and the Volta a l’Escullera Nord in August.

Finally, a line of activities for family tourism is envisaged, with traditional games, educational activities, musical performances, circus and theatre. The highlight is the Arts a la Mar Festival, which offers various activities for all audiences during July and August in Gandia.

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