1. Participation in TV and Radio programmes of POLIFACÉTICS UPV on the Chair for Tele Safor i Ràdio Gandia:
    • b) Intelligent Tourism Chair Programme (interview with Vicente Mascarell): link
  2. Sponsorship/participation at the Occupation Forum 2023, held at the Gandía Campus, on 27 April 2023.
  3. Sponsorship of the Congress Comunica2.0 to be held from 22 to 24 November 2023. Expenditures associated with the AC2ALITY lecture, “Las noticias en un minuto”, by Paula Muñoz, Content Director and founding partner of Ac2ality, and with the lectures by Rosario Marcos del Río “El arte de las newsletter” and “Generar comunidad con los podcasts”.(Link to registration)
  4. Publication of information on the Chair to be published in the special Chair in the newspaper of Las Provincias, on 28th of November 2023.
  5. Slightly improve the visibility/positioning of the Chair’s website and improve the graphic design
  6. Participation in the funding of the celebration of the 25 years of higher education in Tursimo in the ESPG
  7. Awards organized by the chair
    • At best at the end of the degree (local level) (Resolution)
    • To the top 3 TFGs and the best 3 TFMs (national) (Resolution)
  8. Support in the line of research in tourism of the professors of the Campus, Bernat Roig and Lluís Miret (usual collaborators of the chair), through:
    • Financing of publication costs as a chapter of the book “Les ciutats intel·ligents, les més inclusives”, presented at the “IV INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” in June 2022 and published this year in the editorial Thompson Reuters. Quote: Enric Sigalat-Signes; Roig-Merino, Bernat; Miret Pastor, Luis Gaspar. (2023). Smart cities, the most inclusive. Compatible development: experiences in Europe and Ibero-America (369 – 377). Aranzadi-Thomson Reuters. 978-84-1163-615-5
  9. Organization of 6 face-to-face workshops on Tevenue Management at the MUINTUR (University Master of Tourist Intelligence) of the Campus of Gandía, by José Navarro Navarro, CEO of the company Hospitality Enginering Services and Solutions SL, between Tuesday 17 October and Tuesday 28 November 2023
  10. Preparation and conduct of the interview with José Navarro Navarro, rapporteur at previous workshops: (link to the interview)
  11. Update of web development and hosting (CMS) frameworks, maintenance, management and resolution of security issues of the Chair’s website and social networks, translation of content, generation of content in advanced formats, integration and maintenance of players and adaptive streaming content. Conducted under the supervision and coordination of employees of the company TARGET3D IBERIA, S.L.
  12. Initiation of operations to create the first Network of Chair and Classes in Tourism Intelligence in Spain in collaboration with other universities.
  13. Business Internships of Campus Students
    • 2 part-time students for the management of the website and its news
    • Student support at the event organized at the Campus: celebration of the 25 years of higher education in tourism at the EPSG
  14. HACKATON. Health Campus Smart Gandia. Hackaton EIT health EU (link)

  15. Speech at the Tourist Destinations Forum of Costa, entitled “O-CITY: Interactive Data for the Intelligent Management of a DTI” by Professor José Marín-Roig Ramón (link)