1. Collaboration with teaching through the purchase of licenses for STRATX SIMULATIONS SAS software. Related to the tasks of the agreement associated with supporting and collaborating with postgraduate courses, masters, specialization diplomas, etc. at the UPV Campus of Gandia, as well as other teaching activities, to promote the training of experts in intelligent management of business and tourist destinations.
  2. Development of programs for the UNIVERSITAT CATEDRA GANDIA TURISMO INTEL-LIGENT of the Multimedia Group Gandia S.L. Collaboration in the production of a series of TV and radio programs about the Chairs/Classroom and Campus activities. In our case, there are 2 programs: Documentary about the Chair and/or videos of the TI Conference held in November.
  3. Funding of part of the expenses for the compilation of a recipe collection from the Bocados de Cine sessions, in order to record the participation and work carried out in previous years. Financed expenses: Production, compilation, material review and organization, production of 10 drawings, and design layout of the book.
  4. Collaboration in the development of a survey on DTI, published Here (Link in the footer). Direct access.
  5. Publication about the Chair in the Sunday Supplement of the newspaper Las Provincias.
  6. Prizes organized by the Chair:
    • 1 End of Degree Prize in Tourism (local)
    • 6 Prizes, for the 3 best TFGs and the 3 best TFMs (national scope).
  7. Intelligent Tourism Conference, held at the Gandia Campus on November 24, 2022. Link
  8. Update of development frameworks and web hosting (CMS), maintenance, management, and resolution of security issues for the Chair’s website and social networks, translation of content, generation of content in advanced formats, integration, and maintenance of adaptive streaming players and content.
  9. Development of software modules for intelligent management of heritage and 360 multimedia content for heritage elements of the O-City platform in order to improve the tourist experience and develop tourism APPs.
  10. Hiring of a medium-level technician, Cristian Bañuls Mahiques, for 6 months, part-time, from February 7 to August 6, 2022. Tasks: After learning its operation (especially WordPress), he was responsible for generating news, content, and energizing the Chair’s website and social networks. He also collaborated in preparing the documentation for the calls for the awards granted by the Chair in the year.
  11. Internship in a company for student José Julio Peñaranda Jara, a student in the Interactive Technologies Degree at the Gandia Campus, part-time, from September 19, 2022, to December 5, 2022, and from December 16, 2022, to December 31, 2022. Tasks: After learning its operation (especially WordPress), generate news, content, and energize the website and social networks. He also collaborated in preparing the documentation for the resolutions of the awards called by the Chair.
  12. Internship in a company for student Luís Ferrer Gómez Caro, a student in the Audiovisual Communication Degree at the Gandia Campus, from November 21, 2022, to December 31, 2022. He helped with the live streaming of the TI Conference, the production of the subsequent interviews, and is currently editing and producing videos generated from the same. He adapted the content to be able to share it through adaptive streaming based on HTTP on the Chair’s website.
  13. Funding for the Production of a Multimedia visit for the Gandia City Council.
  14. Sigalat-Signes, E, et al. (2022) From the Smart City to the Intelligent Human City. On Ecological Planning in Development Initiatives. Aranzadi Thomson Reuters. p.285-294