Technology and Tourism Competitiveness

On Thursday, November 24, in the Aula Magna of the EPSG, the Smart Tourism Conference of the Polytechnic University of Valencia will be held, which can be attended in person or by streaming. These conferences are aimed at students from the Gandía campus whose degrees are related to tourism and new technologies and to professionals related to or interested in tourism management and the implementation of new technologies in this sector.

II Jornadas de Turismo Inteligente



The objective of this conference is to make known to the companies and professionals of our environment and to the students and teachers of the UPV the latest advances that are taking place in the area of ​​tourism in general and in particular in the field of so-called Intelligent Tourism. For this purpose, governance experiences will be addressed in both the private and public spheres, and different technological solutions linked to the digitization of tourist destinations will be presented, analyzed and discussed.

